How are you today?
New course with GM Boris Gelfand!
Dear Friends, As you remember,
Important Update: Age Verification & Our Forum
UK’s Online Safety Act 2023
Dimitris Alexakis wins the 5th Wood Green Invitational
Dear Friends, Due to a
Matías is Chilean Champion, Aradhya 2nd in Cannes!
Dear Friends, The games GM
Online camp with GM Ivan Sokolov begins on Thursday!
Dear Friends, There is one
In-person camp: early bird registration offer ends this week!
Dear Friends, Thank you to
New course with IM Andras Toth!
Dear Friends, Andras will start
2025 Club Championship begins this Saturday!
Dear Friends, We have finalised
New online camp with GM Ivan Sokolov!
Dear Friends, GM Ivan Sokolov
The Christmas Camp begins this week!
Dear Friends, It’s Christmas camp
The Homework Club takes a short holiday break
Dear Friends, Today was the
Yahli wins El Llobregat Open, Sabino is Italian vice-champion!
Dear Friends, We have a
Reminder: New Time for the Friendly Homework Class today!
Dear Friends, As you’ve probably
Class on Sunday with GM Jacob Aagaard cancelled
Dear Members, Jacob’s class was
Schedule change for this Saturday
Dear Members, Unfortunately, Renier had
Alexander Motylev qualifies for the World Cup!
Dear Friends, A few technical
European Championship has started
Dear Friends, Jacob will give
Camp with GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko begins today!
Dear Friends, The camp with
Club Championship U2100 Final today!
Dear Friends, The finalists of
New camp with GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko!
Dear Friends, We have a
Classes and Practical Activities this Week
Dear Friends, The Olympiad is over
Three new classes and more medals!
Dear Friends, We have three new
Three gold medals and two norms!
Dear members, Dear members, The
Club Championship Begins This Week!
Dear members, The club championship
Caro-Kann themed simul with GM Sabino Brunello today!
Dear members, We hope you
A new course and more practical activities!
Dear members, A new course
Playing Positions Simul with GM Sabino Brunello today
Dear members, This week we
Congratulations to Yahli Sokolovsky – our latest GM
Dear members, First things first,
Christopher Yoo won Titled Tuesday!
Dear friends, Friendly Homework made
Christopher Yoo was second in front of Magnus in Titled Tuesday!
Dear members, It has been
Turbocharge your Tactics, Prague Masters 2024, Oscars 2024
Dear members, The Turbocharge your
Happy International Women’s Day
Happy International Women’s Day to
Trisha finished second in the British Championship Rapid
Dear members, Nodirbek Abdusattorov is
Andy Woodward, Nodirbek Abdusattorov and Killer Chess Training
Dear members, It’s been a
Congratulations Alexandra Kosteniuk!
Dear members, We recently had
Playing Position on Saturday & New Members Meeting on Sunday
Dear members, This Saturday at
Congratulations Yahli and Kirk for your GM norms!
Dear members, The 51st Rilton
Cyber Monday, an IM title, and a Christmas camp!
Dear Friends, We hope you
Two medals, a camp and a wedding!
Dear friends, The previous week
Class postponed for later today | New time: 18:00 UK time
Dear members, We are very
Members’ survey – Please take 5 minutes to give your feedback
Dear members, It has been
Dear friends, it is camp
New course:
Welcome to a World with no Rules
Dear friends, We have for
Simul today with IM Anna Zatonskih!
Dear friends, Tonight, we have
New class starting tomorrow! Dynamic and Positional Sacrifices
Don’t miss the new class
POLL – Please vote: New timing for evening classes in US time
Dear members,We noticed that not
Killer Chess Training Summer chess camps
Dear friends, Congratulations to your
Results, norms, GM Vladimir Hakobyan
Dear friends, First things first: