Killer Chess Training Newsletter 23rd July 2021

New members welcome meeting

There was a big surge of new members this month, so a welcome meeting is due! The meeting will take place next Saturday 31st of July, at 18:30 UK (London) time. In the meantime, please visit Your Academy in the My Courses page and you will get a lot of instructional videos and free material to share with your friends. (We always use London time.)

Members in Action

Nicolai’s tournament were he scored 6½/9, he finished 3rd-4th not 10th, as it was mentioned on the previous newsletter. You can see his opponents here. And he is playing another tournament, info here.

Jacob and Peter played in the same tournaments, results here and here. And now Peter will join this one.

Shahil and Manish were playing each other today for the second round and drew. This is the link for their tournament. In the first round Manish won, but Shahil lost after fighting for 5 hours!

Aradhya is playing this coming week the Senior National Online Chess Championship 2021 organized by the All India Chess Federation. He is certainly not the only one.

Petra had an amazing tournament in Austria, in the Internationales St. Veiter Jacques Lemans Open – B-Turnier, with a 7/9 score and taking the second place!

Andre, after returning from the World Cup informs us on the forum about his next tournament and comments on his experience: “I enjoyed the games, both because I did not play too horribly and also because there are good learning opportunities. For instance, I learned that I start to have a nervous meltdown once I get the prospect of beating a 2650 and barely can think, and that is something to work on. In the first game, the shock from coming to fighting to not lose to completely winning was too much and I had to just take a draw. Looking forward to the next tournament!!” Andre did keep going and he drew another 2600 yesterday in the Portuguese League with Black.

Share your tournaments on the forum! We are always happy to cheer for you!

World Cup news

Alexander Motylev faced Rinat Jumabayev in round 2. With a score of 0½ vs 1½, Alexander was eliminated.
After more than 6 hours of playing, Ivan Cheparinov defeated Razmus Svane in the Armageddon and advanced in the third round. Ivan now unfortunately is out of the tournament, with a final score 1½ vs 2½ for Peter Svidler.
Elshan Moradiabadi faced MVL in round 2, but he got eliminated. The fact that he was fighting a throat infection along with MVL did not help.
Volodar Murzin just turned 15 and hiss final score against Vladislav Artemiev was 1½ vs 2½, so he returns home. Jacob made a Position Of The Week video for our YouTube Channel out of a position from one of his games.

Sam Shankland won against Alexander Areshchenko in round 3 with a final score 2½ vs 1½.
In Round 4, Sam faced Rinat Jumabayev. The first game Sam won and the second one was a draw, so Sam proceeds to round 4, where he will play the winner of the Vitiugov- Svidler playoff. Sweet 16 for Sam! If he gets through to the final 8, he is guaranteed a spot in the FIDE Grand Prix played February-March next year.

In the games in round 4, the decisive matches were MVL – Praggnanandhaa and Brkic – Martirosyan, Kovalev – Fedoseev, Xiong – Vidit, Idani – Duda and Piorun – Sindarov, with bold we mark the winners. The rest are going to playoffs tomorrow.

Killer Openings

The Spanish cycle will be concluded on Monday. Please go to the forum and vote on what would you like the next cycle to involve.

After popular demand, Kallia will eventually make the old cycles of Killer Openings into products available on the shop, in our usual friendly prices. These will be available for purchase only for yearly members.

Don’t forget to download the pgn files from Ivan Salgado’s lectures on the World Cup Opening Trends, as he has added new files yesterday. And please remember they are for personal use only.

Creativity in Chess

Free for all our members, a 10-hour camp with GM Tiger Hillarp Persson, 23-25 of July and 30/7-1/8. The second session will be tomorrow.

John’s corner

As you know, due to a storm and powercut, John Hartmann’s lecture last week had to be postponed. That gives all of you time to go and ask questions in advance!

For July and August, we will run the “bring a friend and get a course” campaing
If you are a yearly member and you bring a friend (or as many friends as you’d like) and they get a trial or a monthly membership, you can choose any of the courses: Attacking the opponent effectively by GM Sabino Brunello, Foundation of Positional Play by IM Renier Castellanos, Kasparov’s Chess Evolution by GM Iván Salgado LĂłpez, Material Imbalances by GM Julen Arizmendi, Thoughts on Strategy by GM Julen Arizmendi, Understanding Weaknesses by GM Julen Arizmendi, or the recordings of the camp Work on and learn from your own games. All your friend has to do is write on the order notes who introduced them and we will put the course of your choice in your account.
If your friend gets a yearly membership at €749 and they pay with a card, you can choose whichever course recording is available on the shop.

Tournament on Sunday

A Swiss tournament, 15+5, 6 rounds on Sunday at 10:00 UK time. Click here to join the team and click here for the tournament!

Enjoy your summer break!

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,

Jacob, Sam and Kallia

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