Foundation of Positional Play – Recordings



Access to 13+ hours of recordings of the Course “Foundation of Positional Play by IM Renier Castellanos”
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In this course, we are going to learn to recognize the main elements of Positional Play in the middlegame and play in accordance to the demands of the position. The goal of this course is to provide the students with the necessary knowledge to make good positional decisions in a short amount of time.


Lesson 1: Introduction to the 3 Questions System and main positional factors to consider.

Where are the weaknesses?

What is my opponent’s idea?

Which is the worst placed piece?

Lesson 2: Weaknesses – Identifying the weaknesses and how to exploit them

Lesson 3: Pieces – How to improve the pieces to the best possible squares

Lesson 4: Prophylaxis – Seeing the opponent’s ideas and restricting the opponent’s pieces

Lesson 5: Exchanges – Which pieces to trade, which pieces to keep

Lesson 6: Creating weaknesses – Provocation!

Lesson 7: The exchange of queens – In which situations is it advantageous to exchange the queens and when should we keep them on the board?

Lesson 8: Pawn play.  How to use pawn breaks, how to control weak squares and how to create squares for the pieces

Lesson 9: Positional Masterpieces I – In this lesson we will go over some great positional games and analyse and predict the decisions using the three questions.

Lesson 10: Positional Masterpieces II

Lesson 11: Positional Masterpieces III

Lesson 12: Some thoughts on Positional sacrifices

Lesson 13: Recap – Interactive lesson


Other courses on Positional Play: Mastering Positional Concepts






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