Schedule change for this Saturday

18 24 November 1

Dear Members,

Unfortunately, Renier had to cancel his Tactical Targets class this Saturday. He is travelling and his internet connection is very bad. His class will be replaced by Alexander Motylev, who is just back from the European Championship. He will share his experience and tell you how he approached this tournament and qualified for the World Cup.

From 5 PM UK time Sabino will give a Playing Position simul. To participate, you need to join our Simuls team, here. Please do this well in advance and mention your name and membership e-mail in the join request. You can’t join the simul once it’s started, so please be on time!

We promised we will be back with more details about the next camp. The Christmas Camp is back and you can read all about it on the website!

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Your host this year will be Renier and he will talk about how to convert an advantage. The camp will happen between 27th and 31st of December. You can read more about it here and buy your participation ticket here. Or become a yearly member and get this camp as a gift here.

If you bought a yearly membership or renewed it after our last camp in October, you will receive this camp for free. 

Your friends from Killer Chess Training

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