GM Ivan Sokolov gave a lecture at Killer Chess Training and presented his latest book, Magnus Carlsen’s Middlegame Evolution, published by Quality Chess. Here is the full lecture for you to watch.

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Ivan’s lecture was a success and you kept asking when he is coming back!
Well, he is coming back 24-27 of February, with exclusive material, not published in any of his books or presented elsewhere, telling us all about Pawn Structures in the Middlegame.
Feel free to join us:
The camp is free for anyone who joins with a yearly membership as of today, 28th of January.
Last year we offered many lengthy camps for free for our members, such as Creativity in Chess with GM Tiger Hillarp Persson, English Middlegame Strategies with Nikolaos Ntirlis, Opening Trends 2021 with GM Sam Shankland and GM Ivan Salgado Lopez, Problem Solving Camp: Elements of Positional Play with GM Jacob Aagaard and Wacky Openings with Nikolaos Ntirlis.
But, still someone might argue that they didn’t get the exclusive part of a camp for free. And we want to be nice to you, therefore, to anyone who signed up or renewed between 28th of June 2021 (the day after the last paid camp which was given as a free welcome gift) and today, 28th of January 2022, send us a message on our email and we will add the exclusive part of the camp on your account. This offer is final and not transferable to future camps or previous camps and you should ask to be included. If you buy it and in the meantime you realise you should have gotten for free, of course we will refund you!
We hope you will enjoy this camp and our offer!