Material Imbalances – Recording



Access to 13+ hours of recordings of the Course “Material Imbalances by GM Julen Arizmendi”
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As far as strategy is concerned, one of the most difficult situations a player has to deal with during a game is trying to evaluate a position with an unbalanced material distribution.

In this 14-hour course, we will look at some typical material imbalances, what to base our assessment of the position on, and discuss the general guidelines from both sides´ perspectives.

Queen vs. two rooks part 1 & 2

Queen vs. rook and minor piece part 1 & 2

Rook vs. two minor pieces part 1 & 2

Nominally balanced exchanges part 1 & 2

Positional sacrifices part 1 & 2

Positional pawn sacrifice

Other imbalances part 1 & 2


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