Understanding Static Elements in Chess

With GM Iván Salgado López

IMG 3756

Course Description

Understanding Static Elements in Chess

Often when the terminology “static” is used about a chess position a lot of people accept that they do not fully understand what is said and wait for things to make sense to them again. In this course Grandmaster Iván Salgado López will explain how to think statically in chess and how to recognize static elements in chess.

Static chess could also be called slow and simple chess. It is connected to simple concepts, such as X piece belongs on the f5-square, this exchange favours one side, how to create an outpost for a piece – and so on.

In this course, Salgado will carefully explain the main concept so you will understand them!

Lesson 1 – DO NOT SKIP THIS LESSON! In this lesson, the difference between dynamic and static elements will be carefully explained

Lesson 2 – Schematic thinking 1. The skill of understanding where the pieces belong

Lesson 3 – Schematic thinking 2

Lesson 4 – Outposts

Lesson 5 – Getting the right pawn formation 1. The pawns have the power to minimise the potentials of your opponent and increase your own.

Lesson 6 – Getting the right pawn formation 2

Lesson 7 – King Safety 1. When your king is exposed, part of your attention has to be spent on it always. Obey the king and his needs.

Lesson 8 – King Safety 2

Lesson 9 – Exchanging Queens. It is difficult to judge when we should exchange queens. It usually leads to changing the view of a position from a dynamic to static interpretation.

Lesson 10 – Other Exchanges 1

Lesson 11 – Other Exchanges 2

Lesson 12 – Calm Defensive Moves

Lesson 13 – Plus-equal Mode

We hope that this detailed course will improve your understanding of static elements in Chess.

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