Alexander Motylev qualifies for the World Cup!

18 24 November

Dear Friends,

A few technical details first. Sabino tried to have his 1.e4 Repertoire class as usual from Montenegro, but the internet gods were against him this time. His connection lagged badly and he eventually got completely disconnected. He will see you in class next week, from 9 PM UK time instead of 8.

On Saturday he will hold the monthly Playing Position simul, from 5 PM UK time. To participate, you need to join our Simuls team, here. Please do this well in advance and mention your name and membership e-mail in the join request. Do not be late, as you cannot join once the simul has started.

Sam is back and will present the Killer Homework class until the end of the month. Next week he will start 15 minutes later than the usual time, at 4:15 UK time.

We are finalising the last details of the Christmas Camp. We will add everything on the website by the end of this week. Stay tuned!

A few important tournaments have finished this week and we are very happy to read about the results of our members and trainers. Arshiya participated in the Rapid and Blitz Tata Steel Festival. She finished with 6.5/7, bringing home the title in rapid Girls Under 19. Big congratulations, Arshiya, keep them coming!

Arshiya TataSteel

The European Individual Championship finished today in Montenegro. We are happy to report that both Ivan Cheparinov and Alexander Motylev continued their great shape and qualified for the World Cup! We will very soon have Alexander back again on Killer Chess Training with his course on the bishop pair.

The World Senior Championship is under way in Portugal. Boris Dimitrijeski and Doug Eckert are playing in the Open 50+ section. Hellen Milligan is playing in the Women’s section. Good luck, everyone!

What have you guys been playing? We want to know! Let us know on the forum or tag us on social media!
Your friends from Killer Chess Training

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