New class starting tomorrow! Dynamic and Positional Sacrifices

Don’t miss the new class starting tomorrow with GM Julen Arizmendi!
Starting at 22:00 UK time/ 14:00 California / 17:00 New York / 08:00 Sydney / 12:00 Aukland!

Dynamic and Positional Sacrifices

In this course, Julen will go into the when and why of positional and dynamic sacrifices.
The themes covered will include pawn and exchange sacrifices, as well as other, heftier material investments.

Analyze my tournament

Analyze my tournament

For those interested in analyzing their tournament games and receiving personalized feedback from Julen, there’s a chance to do so for free if you are a member!
You can send your tournament games to Julen, and he will provide feedback every Thursday at 19:00 UK time (11:00 California / 14:00 NY / 20:00 CET). Visit the forum and learn more!

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,
Kallia, Sam, and Jacob

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