Results, norms, summer camps

Dear friends,

First off, the sad news of the death of GM Gawain Jones’ wife, Sue Yuchan Maroroa Jones. She was 32 years old: Quality Chess and Killer Chess Training have made donations to the fund in her memory, please consider donating too. Even if only ÂŁ5 as someone did. The number of people donating will also matter a lot to Gawain, as he has to find his path forward as a widower with two small children to look after.

Killer Homework 135, unfortunately, had White move in exercise 7. It is Black to play. The correction has now been uploaded. If you already downloaded the wrong version, note the change.

Nicolay and Viktor played in an IM- tournament over the weekend. Both were half a point above expected. Here is the link to their game against each other.

Christopher plays in Sharjah. 2/5 with no draws and great fighting chess. Learning comes from trying. Try hard, my friends! Be like Christopher!
Results, Games

From the American Continental Championship:
Kirk is playing for a GM-norm today against Kaidanov. It would be his second norm if he makes it!
Josiah has already made his 2nd GM-norm this year. Two more games to go!
There are usually 4 spots available for the World Cup. The boys are in it still, but it is going to be tough.
Results, Games

Zhou-Ren is playing for an IM norm in Sharjah Challengers, having made 3.5/5 – playing three GMs, with one of each result. The current performance is 2477, winning 27 rating points. But there is a long way to go.
Results, Games

Shahil is playing a lot of tournaments after a while!

Aradhya got his 4th IM Norm in Baku Open 2023!

A new file with 12 positions has been posted for the Analyse My Tournament! course. This week GM Julen Arizmendi will go over Ilker´s games, as well as three interesting positions we did not get a chance to look at last Thursday.

Jacob is busy marking a lot of Killer Homework today, after taking a rare day off yesterday. GM Sam Shankland will solve along and give the class on Wednesday, without knowing the results before the class. Show up and see him check his results and solutions in real-time!

We will announce the dates for the July (Jacob) and August (Sam) camps soon. They will be focused on positional play and strategy.

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,
Jacob, Sam, and Kallia

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