Killer Chess Training Open

Dear members,

The 1st Killer Chess Training Open will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the famed Øbro Skakforening’s premises. It will be a 9-round Open with a 2100 FIDE Elo requirement at the time of entry for participation. We will invite 6-8 GMs around the 2500 mark. The entry fee for everyone else will be 1500 dkr. (€200). We are limited to 64 participants due to space concerns.
We do not have any “recommended” hotel. The tournament will take place close to Trianglen Metro (7m walk) and many bus stops and close to the S-train stations Nordhavn and Østerbro. Any accommodation that is 2150 or lower in the postcode will be within 20 minutes of public transport time of the tournament. 

GMs Høi, Arizmendi, Schandorff, Brunello, Hector and Chatalbashev have accepted our invitation already.

There will be one round per day. The timings will be:

Friday 13th October 18.00-19.00 and Saturday 14th October 13.00-14.00 Registration
Round 1 Saturday 14th October 15.00
Round 2 Sunday 15th October 13.00
Round 3 Monday 16th October 12.00 (so the club can have its club night in the evening)
Round 4-8 Tuesday 17th – Saturday 21st October 13.00
Round 9 Sunday 22nd October 11.00

We will allow players to join in three stages:

Firstly, current and past members of the Academy will have an exclusive right to enter the tournament until the 9th of May
On the 10th May entry will be opened up for members of Øbro Skakforening (hosts) and Brønshøj Skakforening (the organising body).
From 20th May everyone with an Elo rating over 2100 will be allowed to enter.

The guaranteed prize fund is €4650. If there is more than 50 participants, all further entry fees will be put into the prize fund. NONE of the prizes will be shared.

The prizes will thus be:

1. €2000 – €2560 (50-64 participants)
2. €1000 – €1560
3. €750 – €1190
4. €500 – €940
5. €400 – €680

There will be book vouchers sponsored by Quality Chess for the following places (the books will be sent to your home address after the event – or you can have them in ebooks via or, or a mix):

Purchase value:

6. €300
7. €250
8. €200
9. €150
10. €100

1. €500
2. €300
3. €200

No player can win more than one prize.

All contact with the organisers should happen through the email kctopen at

Technical information:

The time control will be 75m for the first 40 moves +30 seconds per move. An additional 30 minutes will be added at move 40.
It will not be possible to agree a draw before move 30
Forcing a draw by three-time repetition before move 30 with White will ruin your tie-breaks!

The entry fee is €200/1500 dkr and you will receive payment details after you complete your registration here.

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,
Sam, Jacob, and Kallia

You have Questions related to
Feel free to ask!