
Tactical Magic in time trouble

In today’s GAME OF THE WEEK class, we looked at the highly complicated game Duda – Karjakin, Wijk aan Zee 2022. The game had a lot of instructive moments and although desperately complicated, still had a lot to teach us about the basics of strategic play. And how difficult chess is.

In time trouble the players repeated moves three times and the game ended in a draw. The first repetition (…Nc6-e7) was good, but the second repetition was bad. Karjakin placed his rook on g4 and gave his opponent a chance to win by force. Before you scroll down, please look for the candidate move in this position.

Duda Karjakin1















Duda should have played 35.Rf1!, defending the queen. If the rook returns to the back rank with 35…Rg8, White has 36.Qh4!, with a winning attack. Instead Black will have to play 37…Re4 38.Qg2 Ng6 39.fxg6 Rxe2, when once again, White has to find a clever idea in order to win the game. Try to find it before you look at the analysis.

Duda Karjakin2 1

You can see the solution to this puzzle here. The full game will be available to watch in Recent Recordings and of course in next week’s newsletter on chesstempo.

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