Schedule update

Hello everyone,

Just a very quick email to all of you.

GM Ivan Cheparinov is unwell (get well soon, Ivan!), so GM Jacob Aagaard is replacing him tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM UK time, with a class in Fundamentals in Action.
GM Sabino Brunello is well, and he will be having his class The Style of the World Champions tomorrow at 14:00 as planned.

Don’t miss the play-offs for the Academy Championship; BraveSubject vs BasilSmash at 4pm tomorrow and 5pm Friday – Aagaard vs mbachez90!

Here is our first newsletter, sent in Chess Tempo by GM Jacob Aagaard:
Dear friends,
Welcome to the first newsletter in an ebook format on  chesstempo.
In general I will try to put our main newsletter in the ebook, but  it will never be a 1:1 ratio.  As said many times – we do not require our  coaches to support the ebook newsletter and we do not promise that they will.  It is an option for them to give you, the members, access to the material in  raw form. 
I will ALWAYS allow you to keep the last TWO newsletters.
At times  maybe THREE. But I will delete them over time.
If you want to review things; review them now!
The small opening fragments from Killer Openings will  eventually be compiled into full repertoires. Don’t make personal notes in the  temporary files, as you will lose them eventually. 
This week’s newsletter includes: Two games from Ivan Salgado’s class last week. Five games from  Mickey Adams. This is from ALL the classes he has done so far. Two rook  endgames from Jacob’s class on Sunday.
We recommend that you ALWAYS watch the  classes first and only then check things in the newsletter on chesstempo. It  is not necessary in many cases. Seeing the games first and then watching the  class is the wrong way round. The games themselves are just games. The real  insights comes from the instruction. With the opening files, you should feel  more free to choose your own approach. Different approaches will work  differently for different people when it comes to Killer Openings.
There is no  right way for all, but you may find that there is a best way for you.

Recent  results
Robert Shlyakhtenko made 4.5/9 in a closed GM tournament in New York.  For sure this was an IM norm, and it was definitely an additional 22 elo point.
Robert Fischer played well at the Liberty Bell Open u2100 section, ending tied  first.
Hans Niemann tied for first in Vergani Cup in Italy. If you want to see  something incredible, go to his game from Round 8.
Lim Zhou Ren played in  Prague Open. He has analysed one of his games for the Forum and this is included in this newsletter.

Don’t forget to ask questions on the forum and submit homework!

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,
Sam, Jacob, and Kallia

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Feel free to ask!