Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to us!

Happy New Year!
May 2022 brings you luck, love, health, and a deeper understanding of chess!
We will do our part and provide you with excellent classes, all you need to do is to put in the work!


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Happy birthday to us! Thank you for making the academy our happy place!
Yesterday, we completed two years of teaching you, having 1000 videos in our collection and thus reaching more than 1500 teaching hours! Not bad for the first two years!
For 2022, we start with January and so far 35 classes are planned. More to follow in the next few days!

Screenshot 2022 01 02 at 22 13 05 Shop Killer Chess Training

Don’t forget to get the yearly GOLD Chess Tempo Membership for only €15! And while you are at the shop and find new courses available and older courses have now been made available with 50% off for yearly members!

Don’t miss GM Ivan Sokolov presenting us his new book Magnus Carlsen’s Middlegame Evolution, on the 12th of January. Feel free to share this link with your friends, so that we will send them the link to attend the class!

Magnus Carlsen Middlegame Evolution Ivan Sokolov Hardcover Front

Don’t miss GM Ivan Sokolov presenting us his new book Magnus Carlsen’s Middlegame Evolution, on the 12th of January. Feel free to share this link with your friends, so that we will send them the link to attend the class!

Do you have a game, position, exercise that you think it’s interesting? Or maybe your latest results from tournaments? What about your plan on how to approach chess in 2022? Post about it on the forum

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,
Sam, Jacob, and Kallia

You have Questions related to
Feel free to ask!