Members in Action – Indian Edition

Kushal Jani is from Gujarat. He will be playing the various state championships. The organiser told me they have 100.000 participants, when I was there. Starting with people who cannot play, playing qualifiers in the villages and similar.

The u18 Championship: Chess-Results Server – Gujarat State Online Chess Championship-2021 6](Chess-Results Server – Gujarat State Online Chess Championship-2021 6

Games and more can be followed here: Tornelo 1

This U18 tournament is over, it was only 7 rounds.
Next will be U16 State (Kushal’s main category) starting from tomorrow.

Arshiya will play five tournaments: U-18, U-16, U14 GIRLS, U-12 OPEN & U-12 GIRLS. 4 out of 4 and will move on to the National Championship, Well done Arshiya!

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