Newsletter, survey and new forum

Members’ Survey
It was that time of the year again, us asking for your feedback. Thank you for your time filling it out. We read every comment and we aim to improve.

killer chess training members' syrvey feedback

Members in action

Manish and Shahil are both participating in a GM tournament in Hungary. Manish has 2½/3 and Shahil 2/4 after fighting games. Our friend Abhi Mishra from the US, who is hunting the final norm that will bring him over the threshold for the youngest Grandmaster of all time, a record held by Karjakin for 15 years. See the tournament here and an overview from Brendan in the new forum here.

Max is at the moment this email being written, holding a draw against Henriquez Villagra, a 2600 Chilean GM in the American Hybrid World Cup Qualifier. You can follow his game here.

 Send us links or information if you are playing a tournament. Your friends in the academy will be routing for you!

Trainers in action

Four of our trainers are playing the European Hybrid. It looks like an awful advertisement for computer games if you ask us. Cheparinov had a walk-over. Motylev and Salgado draw truly awful games. And Brunello won. Motylev and Salgado won on day two, while Sabino lost and have to go into play-offs. Follow the tournament here.


You asked for it. We provided it!

We have a guided study group for players rated over 2150. It is an exclusive course with a maximum of 10 participants and a fee of €149 for members and €298 for non-members. See more here.

We are planning an intensive camp on Strategy for the end of June.

Sam Shankland will give a Fundamentals class on Friday.

Ivan Salgado’s course Piece Collaboration: The 4th Phase, Part II is free to watch for members until Friday.

Sunday Tournament

We continue to have tournaments on Sundays. The next one will be after Jacob Teaches Renier the Endgame on Sunday. As always, invite your friends!

New Forum

The new forum is up and running, thanks to Eli, with support from our regular website team, Nino and Vasili. Eli re-imagined the forum as a means to enhance the sense of community we have in the Academy, our happy place as Jacob calls it. Eli is a founding member of Pavilion, and we are grateful for all his help and inspiration. Many improvements are yet to come, both in the forum and in the website, but in the meantime please enjoy the new forum!

By now you should have received an email, inviting you to join the forum. If you are not able to comment on the forum,

please follow these steps, even if you already have done so yesterday.

1. Click here.

2. Press log in.

3. Click here to reply to this comment on the forum, so that Kallia can allocate you to the yearly members’ group.

Improvements will keep being added to the Forum and information about the new features of the forum and how to best use them, will follow in videos.

As always, you can reply to this message with questions and ideas!

Your friends at Killer Chess Training,

Sam, Jacob and Kallia

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Feel free to ask!