A Guided opening study group with Killer Chess Training, June/July 2021

A lot of you have told us that after seeing Sam Shankland’s sessions on Opening Preparation, you wanted to create an opening study group within Killer Chess Training. We have been thinking a bit about how to best organise this. We do not want to facilitate something that will be shaky and where we feel there is wide room for disappointment. So, after a long meeting among the directors, we have come up with the following set-up.

First of all, the cost for participating will be €149 for members and €298 for non-members (includes a monthly trial membership). There is a cap on maximum 10 participants. We will need a minimum of 6.

Secondly, the participants have to have a rating of at least 2150 – or get a special exemption from the academy. We have a few students who are worth this rating and more, but have not played tournaments for a long time.

There will be eight classes with a week in-between each. We will as a start aim for a Saturday afternoon timing (London) for the class, but we prefer to do a consultation with the participants to make it work in the best way for everyone. It is a given that not everyone will be able to make all the live classes, but the recordings and the opening material will be available on our website for registered participants, for at least 12 months.

Your trainer for the duration of the course will be Grandmaster Sabino Brunello, with Grandmaster Sam Shankland sitting in on the first and the last session of the course.

All participants will have to complete homework, submitting 3-4 pieces of serious analysis through the duration of the course. It has to be submitted two days before each second section.

There will be serious feedback from the grandmasters attached to the course. The more effort put in, the more effort they will put in. The purpose for the course will be for openings to be analysed seriously and shared between all the participants and lecturers. It is expected that all participants will not share the material with anyone else and all have to sign to that fact.

The deadline for application is June 7th. If we have less than 6 participants wanting to join after this, we will refund all participants (only exception is for the trial membership, where we will refund proportionally, if used).

Click here to secure your place!

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