Hi friends!
I am going to try to send out a newsletter with information on what is happening at the Academy a bit more regularly. If you didn’t receive this newsletter, but you want to receive future ones, please click here to subscribe.
As always, you can see our activities on the google calendar here.
First off, it is a pleasure for me to invite you to our Easter Camp. Hopefully, a lot of you will be playing tournament games in the months ahead. Discussing how to learn from your own games – and the games of others – is a very useful skill. Julen will host one session each day of about an hour, free to all members. Then follows a three hour sessions with another lecturer from the academy – which is only available to those who buy the in-depth camp (15 hours, €99 for members). Click here to learn more and see the timings. It is also available for non-members, as you will see, at €249 with a monthly membership included in the price. So if you were thinking about recommending us to any of your friends (or enemies), this may be a good chance. It’s also a great chance for you to renew your yearly membership, if you haven’t done so already and participate in the camp!
In the club championship, we have reached the semi-final stage. Matches have to be finished by the end of this week, but I am extending this deadline to Wednesday next week, as none of them seems to have been organised yet. Next weekend is finals weekend. See more here: https://killerchesstraining.com/2021/03/02/knock-out-timings/
There will be no tournament this weekend, as Jacob will be hosting a playing position at 4.30pm on Sunday. Please join by joining our Simul team at lichess: https://lichess.org/team/killer-chess-training-simul. IF YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE, DO NOT JOIN. Everyone joining will be removed once the event is over. If you join and cannot participate, leave the team. If you are signed up and do not show up, Jacob will definitely tell you off and perhaps not allow you to participate at a later date. You could be taking someone else’s space and will definitely have us worried you are trying to log in, but having technical problems.
Next weekend we will have a rapid tournament on Saturday 27th.
Renier’s course on COMMON MISTAKES in Chess is finished. Please note that the course will be freely available on our website until the 28th of March. After this it will be moved to the shop, where the member’s price will be €19 – a 51.2% discount.
I have placed three older live lessons on the power of two bishops in the FUNDAMENTALS folder. Jacob also plans to record more fundamentals videos in the next few weeks, as time becomes available.
Jacob’s course on the Sicilian Fundamentals is also finished. I will make sure all the links work tomorrow on the course page and it will be available until the 28th of March. After this, it will only be available through purchase in the shop. This time combined with the Killer Openings Sicilian course.
Kallia Kleisarchaki
CEO www.killerchesstraining.com