Attacking training camp during Christmas with GM Jacob Aagaard

12 Days of Bloody Christmas

23rd December 2020 – 3rd January 2021

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so that you can see the timings in your local timezone

The details

This product gives you access to 2.5 hours of daily intensive online chess training with GM Jacob Aagaard from December 23rd 2020 till 3rd of January 2021.
It also guarantees you at least one participation in the playing position exercises and also gives you access to the recordings of the course for 12 months.
If you are under 18 years old, we need a signed permission from a parent/guardian for you to have your camera on during the sessions, to meet the standards of child protection in the UK.

12 Days of Bloody Christmas – An intensive camp focusing on Attacking Chess

Christmas is the time of year you should spend with the people who matters most to you. For this reason, is organising a 12 day intensive training camp on Attacking Techniques with Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard. Because what we want more than anything is to spend time with fellow chess players.

The theme of this training camp will be the 8 Attacking Principles in action. It includes more than 24 hours of intensive chess training with a chance to test yourself in training games and exercises throughout the course.


The training will happen live at 16.30 – 19.15 (London time) each day,
split into two sessions:

⮚ The Basics session – These lessons are free for the members of, who will join the campers at will. This will be the first hour each day.

⮚ The In-Depth Session – After a short break, we will have a 90-minute session for the paying campers only. In this session you will have a chance to submit your games and to go deeper into the theme of the way. On some days, this session will be a 60 minute class followed by playing training games on from set positions against the instructor and his notes. These will be training positions World class grandmasters have attempted in the past, giving you a chance to compare yourself with them. (We strongly recommend that you use a board for this part of the training). The games will then be analysed commented on in videos available for download the following day.



On every day, the Basics session of the training camp will be at 4.30pm UK time and the In-Depth session will start at 5.45pm

The programme will be as following:

🎯 23rd Dec – Introduction to the course and a discussion of attacking chess in general
🎯 24th Dec – Momentum
🎯 25th Dec – Present all the pieces with a function
🎯 26th Dec – Colours Schemes
🎯 27th Dec – It is not the size (of the present) that matters
🎯 28th Dec – Attack the weakest square
🎯 29th Dec – Attacking the strongest square
🎯 30th Dec – Evolution/Revolution
🎯 31st Dec – Kill zone
🎯 1st Jan – Momentum, momentum
🎯 2nd Jan – Classic attacks
🎯 3rd Jan – Chaos theory

Each participant will be requested to share their availability with our team and at least 6 Playing Position sessions will be held, to give everyone chances to participate.
Exercises will be available for the students who wants to test their attacking skills throughout the course.
The course will afterwards be available for streaming for all paying participants for 12 months.

Your trainer

GM Jacob Aagaard has worked with grandmasters such as Boris Gelfand, Sam Shankland, Xiong, Adhiban, Salgado, Rakhmanov, Raunak, Praggnanandhaa and many many more. His books Attacking Manual 1 & 2 won both the English Chess Federations and FIDEs book of the year awards. He is the only chess writer who has won all the major awards.

Price for participation in the camp

⮚ €298/$360 for those who are not our members. This product includes a monthly trial membership, which can be extended to a yearly membership with a top-up, should you find out that our academy is right for you.
⮚ €149/$180 for the monthly members
⮚ €99/$120 for those with a yearly membership of
⮚ €49/$60 for the yearly subscribers who renewed early in October
⮚ €49/$60 for new yearly subscribers and for the existing members who will renew their membership by 22nd of December 2020 at €599.

For those of you that you think that you should get a discount, please send us an email using the form on the bootom of the page, so that we can provide you with a coupon code or contact our Facebook page. Or, you can buy it now and we can refund you partly afterwards.

Click here to buy this product and secure your place in the camp
Click here to buy/renew yearly membe

Technical details

The camp is organised via the zoom platform. You need to have a free account to participate.
The playing position simuls will be on, where you can register for an account for free.

If you are under 18 years old, we need a signed permission from a parent/guardian for you to have your camera on during the sessions, to meet the standards of child protection in the UK.

Click here to buy this product and secure your place in the camp
Click here to buy/renew yearly membership

FAQ about 12 Days of Bloody Christmas Camp

How many lessons will there be?

24 – a total of 30 hours.
Twelve one hour lessons, which are free to attend for members of the academy.
And twelve lessons that are only for the paying campers.

What is the difference between the one hour lesson for members of and the 90 minutes camp lesson afterwards?

In the free-for-all-members Killer Chess Training lesson the principles will be explained with plenty of examples.
In the camp lessons we will go deeper, have more dialogue and look at the participants own games.

If I participate in the camp, how many games do I have to submit?

You don’t HAVE TO submit. But if you want, you can submit 3-5 games. Annotated or not. Jacob will look at them all.
The deadline for submissions is five days before the camp, or if you sign up last minute, three days after you sign up.

When will the playing positions be?

1-2 days before the camp, we will suggest a number of possible times. They will take into consideration the different time zones. There is no limitation for how many playing positions you can participate in. But it does require a account that has not been accused of cheating.

What will be the follow-up to the playing positions?

We will organise a time to quickly go through the best play and your attempts at the end of play. A fixed time will make it easier for those who finish early.

What if I cannot make some of the sessions. Does it still make sense to participate?

Yes! You will have access to the videos for at least all of 2021. The lessons will not have to be seen in order to make sense. (although it will be good if you have at least watched the very first lesson)

Actually, we are expecting that few will be able to participate in all the sessions. Most have obligations over the festive period.

The camp seems awfully cheap. I see other camps advertised at many times the price for shorter camps with less well-known trainers. What is the catch?

There are some things that may not work with everyone:
It can be hard for anyone to find two and a half hours a day over the holiday period to attend the classes. Expect this. It is understood in the price.
The class will have players of different level. So far two strong IMs and two players u2000 have signed up. Jacob is sure he will be able to bridge the gap, based on thousands of hours of experience. But at times things will be explained for a bit longer than all would need.
And yes, we are trying to convince our members to stay members and non-members to try out our academy.

Jacob has written three books on attacking chess. How relevant are they to the course?

First of all, let’s make clear that the course is not a reproduction of the books. A few examples from Attacking Manual 1 may be featured in the lessons, where they are best at illustrating a theme, as many have not read the book. The games used in the Academy lessons will be recent games, while the Camp lessons will be mainly based on the participants’ own games.

Secondly, it is not required to have read the books. You may want to read Attacking Manual 1 before or after the camp, in order to go deeper into the themes. As always, the ideas can be explained in 30 seconds, but to learn to apply them takes a lot of investigation and practice.

For those who want to push themselves, Grandmaster Preparation – Attack & Defence offers about 100 hours of training material for after the camp.

Attacking Manual 2 offers additional attacking games and typical scenarios.

How do I get my discount?

You contact Kallia via email to killerchesstraining (a) gmail (dot) com, or via the Facebook page, and she will provide you with a coupon code. Or, you can buy the product as is it and Kallia will refund you the difference.

Click here to buy this product and secure your place in the camp
Click here to buy/renew yearly membership

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